import { render, html } from '/uhtml.js'; function rand() { let str = ''; const lookups = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'.split(''); while (str.length < 16) { const n = Math.random() * lookups.length; str += lookups[Math.floor(n)]; } return str; } async function auth() { const sig = await openpgp.sign({ message: new openpgp.CleartextMessage('vybe_auth ' + window.session, ''), signingKeys: window.keys.priv }); window.socket.emit( 'authenticate', { name:, message: sig, pubkey: window.keys.armored.publicKey }, async msg => { let register = document.getElementById('register'); if (!msg.success) { console.log('authenticate failed', msg); document.getElementById('result').innerText = msg.message; register.classList.remove('hidden'); return; } localStorage.setItem('keys', JSON.stringify(window.keys.armored)); localStorage.setItem('name',; register.classList.add('hidden'); window.displayname = msg.displayname; const { authRequest } = await import('/app.js'); msg.authrequests.forEach(authRequest); } ); } async function submit(event) { event.preventDefault(); const name = document.getElementById('name').value; if (!name) return; const keys = await openpgp.generateKey({ userIDs: [{ name }] }); const priv = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: keys.privateKey }); const pub = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: keys.publicKey }); window.keys = { priv, pub, armored: keys }; = name; if ( === 'registerform') { window.emit('create_user', { name, pubkey: keys.publicKey }, (msg) => { if (!msg.success) { document.getElementById('result').innerText = msg.message; return; } auth(); } ); } else { await auth(); document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = `now open your profile on your other device to approve this authentication. this session's ID is ${pub.getFingerprint().slice(0,8)}`; } } render(document.body, html`
to get started, you'll need an account. we use public key cryptography for security, rather than passwords. your keys are stored in your browser storage only, so do this on a browser you can access again.
if you already have an account, enter your username here, and you can authenticate using your other device.